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Alta Vista Insurance Agency

2585 Pio Pico Dr, Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92008

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What Homeowners Need to Know About Flood Insurance

Your home is most likely one of your most significant investments, and it’s crucial that you have the right insurance coverage to protect it. Here at Alta Vista Insurance Agency, serving Carlsbad, CA, and the surrounding areas, we want to help homeowners better understand the important types of coverage, such as flood insurance. Here are a few things you should know. 

Flood Is Not Usually Included in Homeowner’s Insurance

Homeowners must realize that flood insurance is usually not included in a homeowners policy. This can be a confusing detail for homeowners because different types of flooding are covered in different ways. For instance, flooding that is caused inside your home due to plumbing problems or appliance malfunctions will be covered in a homeowner’s policy. Flooding caused by natural disasters is usually not covered. It would be best to talk with an insurance representative to understand what is and is not covered in your homeowners’ policy. 

Flood Policies Are Unique

You should also be aware that each flood policy is unique. This is because flood risks are unique to each area. Some areas are at higher risk of flooding than others. Your property will be evaluated explicitly for flooding history and future risks. A flood policy will then be created based on that information. 

If you’d like to learn more about flood insurance, please contact us at Alta Vista Insurance Agency, serving Carlsbad, CA, and the surrounding areas. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about current or future policies. 

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Don’t Skip These Summer Safety Steps Around Your Home

The summer months in California are beautiful. From clear skies to radiant sunshine, there’s nothing better than spending a day poolside with friends and family in Vista, CA. Whether you’re hosting people at your home, or just spending time with the kids, summer safety should be a priority.

Accidents can happen at any time. It’s important for homeowners to ensure their property is safe and comfortable for everyone. Alta Vista Insurance Agency provides you with this guide on important safety steps to take at your home. 

Summer Safety Steps Around Your Home

Monitor Pool Activity

Swimming pools are a popular pastime but they can also be dangerous. In addition to rules for everyone to follow, you should monitor activity happening in and around your pool 24/7. It only takes a moment for disasters to occur.

Consider Fire Hazards

Summer is the height of grilling season, fireworks displays, and bonfires. Open flames can travel quickly and spread. You should never leave grills unattended or use them close to the home . Improper use of fireworks or risky behaviors around a bonfire can also lead to fire-related injuries. To put fires out quickly and reduce the chances of spread, keep a fire extinguisher close by.

Bug & Pesticide Safety

From bees to mosquitos, it’s important to protect yourself from stings and harm caused by bites. Wear loose clothing, don’t hang around areas with sitting water, and use protection on our skin. With any pesticides and chemicals, be vigilant about their use and storage to avoid improper exposure.

At Alta Vista Insurance Agency in Vista, CA, we understand that having a fun and relaxing summer is the goal for most households. Gain peace of mind knowing you’re protected at all times. Contact our team to discuss your coverage needs and get more information. 

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What New Homeowners Need to Know About Insurance

Buying a home is an exciting life milestone. To make the most of homeownership, you will need to have proper homeownership in place. At Alta Vista Insurance Agency, we make it our job to provide our clients with solid insurance information so that they can make the best insurance decision. Keep reading to see how we can help you in Vista, CA and the surrounding areas. 

Why Is Home Insurance Important?

If you have a mortgage on your home, your mortgage company will usually require that you have home insurance in place. Even if your mortgage company does not require this, it is always a good idea to have insurance in place. You have made a huge investment in your home. In addition to this, your home provides a huge part of your family’s security. If something happens to your home, you will be held financially responsible for repairs or replacement, and if your home is unlivable you will have nowhere to live. Home insurance removes these risks. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

A home insurance policy can be customized to suit your particular needs. However, most home insurance will cover the following general areas.

  • Property damage: If your home is damaged or lost, the insurance will pay for repairs or replacement of your home. This can cover damage from fire, natural disasters and burglary. 
  • Liability- If someone is injured at your home or on your property, you could be held liable for any medical bills or legal fees that resulted from the incident. This type of coverage will protect you from the financial vulnerability that could result from such an event. 

If you would like to learn more about home insurance or any of our other insurance products, please contact us at Alta Vista Insurance Agency, serving Vista, CA and the surrounding areas. 

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Home Inventory Lists: What You Need to Know

Homeowner’s insurance offers a level of protection for all of your personal belongings, including your home. Although it may seem like a huge and unnecessary task, creating an inventory list of your assets can ensure you receive full compensation in the event a file needs to be claimed. Alta Vista Insurance Agency wants to share with Vista, CA homeowners a little bit about home inventory lists.

What Is a Home Inventory List Exactly?

A home inventory is just a list of your personal belongings. This list needs to be as detailed as possible. For instance, you should include make and model, date of purchase, amount paid, serial numbers, etc. If possible, include a purchase receipt, as this makes it easier to identify the value of your losses in the event of a monsoon or fire.

When Should You Make a Home Inventory List?

If you have yet to create a home inventory list, now is the perfect time to do so. You never know when something unexpected could occur, so having a home inventory list created and ready to go will help speed up the claims process. Ideally, you should update this list at least once annually. The best approach, though, is to simply remove and add items as you sell them and buy them.

Where Should You Keep Your Home Inventory List?

You have to keep in mind that an event that could potentially damage your personal belongings could also damage your home inventory list. While there is nothing wrong with keeping a copy of the list at home and/or with you, it is a good idea to keep a copy of the list in the cloud and/or in a safe deposit box.

Whether you have recently purchased a home or have been living in your Vista, CA home for some time, let Alta Vista Insurance Agency ensure you have sufficient homeowner’s insurance coverage for your needs.

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No Worries Podcast #3 Solar For Homebuyers and Real Estate

In this episode I talk with my good friend Alec about the basics of solar when it comes to homeownership. We talk about some important things to know when thinking about adding solar to a home and what to look for when purchasing a home with solar installed.

Alec also shares some great information about other home improvements that can reduce your power usage and out of pocket expenses.

We had a great conversation and I learned a lot about the benefits of solar and ways to be more efficient with our power usage when it comes to residential real estate.

Learn how to properly insure your solar! Setup an appointment and we can review your insurance and help you be financially protected. Looking for a better solution to insure your real estate property? Save money and get a quote today!

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What You Need To Know About Home Insurance

Owning your own home provides a great feeling of accomplishment and security. Your home is probably one of the biggest investments you will make in life. Not only is it a huge financial investment, but your house also holds great sentimental value as being the place your family calls home. For these reasons, as well as others, your home must be properly insured. At Alta Vista Insurance Agency, serving Vista, CA, we take great pride in educating our clients and future clients on these important insurance topics. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about home insurance. 

Why Is Home Insurance Important?

Because your home is such a huge financial investment, there is much at risk if your home becomes damaged or unlivable. If your home sustains damage due to fire, natural disaster, or burglary, you could find yourself in a financially vulnerable position. Home insurance is set in place to defer this financial vulnerability so that you and your family can recover from a disaster. 

Beyond the risk of damage, there is also the risk of someone being injured in your home or on your property. If this happens, you could be held liable for their medical expenses and possibly legal expenses in some cases. Insurance can also protect you in these situations. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance will cover:

  • Property damage – If your home is damaged due to fire, natural disaster, or burglary, your policy will pay to have your home repaired or replaced or your possessions replaced in the case of burglary. 
  • Liability – If someone is injured on your property, liability will pay for medical expenses or legal expenses. 

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact Alta Vista Insurance Agency, serving Vista, CA today. 

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Barbecue for Labor Day 2020

Labor day marks the end of summer and usually the return to school. But here in California it also means the beginning of fire season. Sadly, this year is no exception with over 1.2 million acres burned so far this year nationwide.

Here in San Diego is the Valley Fire near Alpine having burned 17,665 acres as of 9/10/2020. (For more recent updates check the Cal Fire website

What does this mean for insuring my property? Many insurance carriers are on new business binding moratorium. Meaning they have closed zip codes where there are active fires. If you are shopping for home insurance, or in escrow and trying to close, this can mean delays in the transaction process.

How else should I prepare? Consider making sure your policy protection is up to date. Standard homeowners insurance policies cover fire and your contents, but more and more frequently we are seeing the standard carriers declining homes for brush. Luckily there is a program set up through the state called the California Fair Plan. However, California Fair Plan policy only covers the structure for fire, and does not provide liability, loss of use, or contents coverage. For that you will need another policy called a “Difference in Conditions” or DIC policy. With the two policies together, you have similar coverage to a normal homeowners policy.

What Are My Next Steps? To learn more about insuring your home in California start by comparing home insurance quotes on our website. If you would prefer to speak to a licensed insurance guide; book an online appointment with one of our agents.

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Let’s Clear The Air About Earthquake Insurance

After the recent 6.4 magnitude earthquake on July 4th and the 7.1 quake on July 5th, more and more residents understand that earthquake risk is REAL in Southern California. The seismic activity was centered around the towns of Trona and Ridgecrest, but the aftershocks were felt from LA to San Diego. 

This last round of earthquake activity has shocked many California residents into rethinking the importance of earthquake insurance to protect their homes and assets.

If you’re looking to fully protect your lifestyle, it is highly recommended you purchase earthquake insurance…Now. 

Other than wildfire, earthquakes are one of the leading natural disasters Californians face. Most residents live within 30 miles of an active fault line and only 10% of California residents carry earthquake insurance. 10 percent!

Does it make a lot of sense to partially insure your most valuable asset, your home? 

Insurance tip: A residential property insurance policy does NOT cover damage due to earthquake or seismic activity. You need a separate earthquake insurance policy.

Watch this short video about the benefits of carrying earthquake insurance. Contact one of our insurance guides and get an earthquake insurance quote for your home today! Call 888-724-2124.

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Can I purchase earthquake insurance after an earthquake? Yes.

The Department of Insurance released a bulletin on July 12th about the requirement of all California Earthquake Authority participating insurance companies to write CEA earthquake policies. 

In response to the Northridge earthquake in 1994, the California Legislature created the California Earthquake Authority (CEA)—a not-for-profit, publicly managed, privately funded entity. Residential property insurers could offer their own earthquake insurance or become a CEA participating insurance company. 

CEA provides two-thirds of the residential earthquake insurance policies sold in California. By selling policies exclusively through these participating insurance companies, CEA has become one of the largest providers of residential earthquake insurance in the world. The CEA is a not-for-profit organization and receives no funding from the State of California, whether for operations or claim liabilities, and is not a part of the state budget. CEA is financed solely through insurer contributions, policyholder premiums, and its own investment returns.

Following the recent earthquakes in Ridgecrest, the Department of Insurance received numerous complaints that some CEA participating insurers were denying applications for CEA earthquake insurance coverage from insureds who already had a residential underlying insurance policy with that insurance company.

Many agents and brokers were misinforming their clients that there is a “moratorium” on selling CEA coverage, even to those insureds who have an underlying insurance policy with that insurance company. 

Image courtesy of California Earthquake Association

That is FALSE. There is NO moratorium on selling CEA coverage.

California Insurance Code Section 10083 requires that offers for earthquake coverage made by a Participating Insurer contain a specific disclosure that includes the statement, “If you choose not to accept this offer within the 30-day period, you may apply for earthquake coverage at a later date.” Refusing to write CEA earthquake insurance coverage for policyholders with a residential insurance policy is not in compliance with state law or the intent of the CEA statute and mission.

The CEA has confirmed to the Department of Insurance that it expects all participating insurers to take applications for and bind CEA coverage if requested by an insured who has an underlying residential insurance policy with the insurer. 

A moratorium on earthquake insurance has never been declared by the CEA. Some participating insurers have declared a moratorium on the sale of their own new homeowners and other fire insurance policies in areas of California impacted by the recent Ridgecrest earthquakes. 

And if that company is not writing new property insurance policies then they would not be making the accompanying mandatory offer of earthquake insurance to those homeowners. 

However, this should NOT effect current insureds with a residential insurance policy from a CEA participating insurer. They should be assisted in purchasing a new CEA policy immediately.

“So, if you have property insurance from an insurance company that participates with the California Eathquake Authority you can purchase earthquake insurance NOW.”

Contact us and we can review your home insurance policy and tell you if your company offers earthquake insurance protection with the California Earthquake Authority. We’ll also do a coverage check up to make sure you have the right protection for your lifestyle. Give us a call at 888-724-2124.

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Hobbyists and Full-Time Farmers: Protecting Your Farm

You need the best protection for your hard work and home. 

That can be confusing when you live and work in the same place, like on a farm. 

How do you classify a farm house? A winery or orchard with a dwelling on it?

Click the photo below or click here to read our article that offers a clear explanation for why and when you need a separate policy from your homeowners policy. We’ve also included a tip to avoid lapsing coverage when you buy new equipment.

Check it out!

Hobbyists and Full-time Farmers: Protecting Your Farm

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