Homeowners you don’t want to miss this episode. I sat down with Ryan DeHart, owner of Pacific Coast Appliance to talk the basics of home appliance repair. Ryan shares his story about how he started in the appliance repair business and the challenges of starting a business during the pandemic. When one door closes another door opens and Pacific Coast Appliance flourished since most homeowners were, well…home.
I also learned some great tips homeowners can learn to help them properly maintain their appliances and things to look for if appliances need repair. Ryan is very knowledgeable about appliance repair. He takes the time to explain things in detail so you understand what goes wrong and how it can be fixed properly. This was a great conversation with a business owner that is passionate about his craft and helping people solve problems.
If you live in the San Diego area I highly recommend call Pacific Coast Appliance.
For service visit their website. Go to: https://www.pcarepair.com/
Ryan DeHart 619-333-0946 Email info@pcarepair.com
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